Entanglement and superposition are equivalent concepts in any physical theory

Guillaume Aubrun, Ludovico Lami, Carlos Palazuelos, Martin Plávala (or view on SciRate)

There is a clear connection between superpositions and entanglement in quantum theory: every pure entangled state is a superposition of separable states. Although this connection is straightforward, it is not satisfactory, since it is not operational and it depends on the specifics of quantum theory. The paper “Entanglement and superposition are equivalent concepts in any physical theory” shows that the geometry of the quantum states \(\|0 \rangle , \|1 \rangle , \|+ \rangle , \|- \rangle\) can be replaced by the fully operational concept of strong incompatibility. Strong incompatibility allows for defining the concept of superposition in every non-classical operational theory, not only in quantum theory. Moreover strong incompatibility is sufficient to prove existence of entanglement and BB84 protocol in every non-classical operational theory, both of which depend on the concept of superpositions in quantum theory.

tags: quantum-foundations  entanglement  BB84  general-probabilistic-theories