Fair allocation of a multiset of indivisible items

Pranay Gorantla, Kunal Marwaha, Santhoshini Velusamy (or view on SciRate)

Why multisets?

Agents often categorize a large number of items into a smaller number of types, like “genres” of books. With multisets, each agent rates each type (genre) of book with the same value, as opposed to separately valuing each book in the library. Given \(m\) items but only \(t\) types, each agent needs to provide only \(t\) numbers, instead of \(m\) numbers. When \(m=t\), we recover the original problem.

This setting allows us to explore the possibility of EFX for a small number of types, as we don’t know whether it exists in the general setting. This is a new abstraction that has not been studied before. Here we compare it to other abstractions when studying EFX:

We prove the existence of EFX for 2 types. To build upon this work and abstraction, we suggest that proving whether EFX exists for 3 or more types will assist the eventual goal of proving whether EFX exists in the general setting (as many types as items).